General info - Congress terms & conditions

§1. General provisions

1.1. The 11th Congress of the Polish Chamber of Insurance (the “Congress”) will be held on 22 and 23 May 2024 at the Sheraton Hotel in Sopot, Poland.

1.2. The Congress is organised by Centrum Edukacji Ubezpieczeńowej Sp. z o.o. on instructions from Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń (Polish Chamber of Insurance) with its registered office in Warszawa (registered address: ul. Twarda 18, 00-105 Warszawa, Poland).   

1.3. The provisions of these Rules and Regulations form an integral part of the Congress registration entry and apply to all Congress Participants.     

1.4. The Congress will include lectures and panel discussions.

1.5. The official Congress website is available at

1.6 During the Congress, persons who are not members of the Polish Chamber of Insurance may not market their own services or organise meetings with other Congress participants for this purpose, unless they receive prior written consent from the Organiser.

§2. Participation in the Congress

2.1. The conditions for participation in the Congress are as follows:

2.1.1. Submission of an online Congress registration entry which may be downloaded from the Congress website

2.1.2. Payment of the fee in the amount specified by the Organiser, by 30 April 2024 and the receipt of the Organiser's confirmation (sent to the participant's e-mail address indicated in the registration entry).

2.2. The congress participation fee should be sent according to the information to an account indicated by the Organiser. Information on fees can also be found on the congress website at

2.3. The organizer will issue a VAT invoice for the payments made.

2.4. Participants pay the cost of attending the Congress, accommodation and travel on their own.


§3. Cancellation of Congress participation

3.1. A participant may cancel his/her participation in the Congress. Cancellation of a Participant’s participation in the Congress should be made by a written notice sent by post or email to the Organiser’s address. 

3.2. If a Participant cancels his/her participation in the Conference

3.2.1. by 30 April 2024 – the Organiser will reimburse the Participant in full for the amount paid, 

3.2.2. after 1 May 2024 – the Organiser will be entitled to retain the entire payment received. 

3.2.3. It is permitted for another person to participate in the Congress in lieu of a registered Participant.

§4. Fees

4.1. The Congress participation fee for members of the Polish Chamber of Insurance is PLN 3390 including VAT. The fee for non-members is PLN 5690 including VAT. The above fee does not include accommodation and transport costs.

§5. Complaints

5.1. Any complaints by Congress Participants may be submitted no later than 5 working days after the end of the Congress, in writing, sent by registered post, return receipt requested, to the Organiser's registered office address or by e-mail to:

5.2. Complaints will not be considered after the expiry of the aforementioned deadline.

§6. Publicity notice

6.1. Please be advised that during the Congress, the Organiser and its affiliated entities will carry out photographic sessions and film the Congress for the purposes of mass media broadcasting (TV, radio, online, print) or for the purposes of documenting, promoting and advertising the Congress.

§7. Data processing notice

Pursuant to Article 13(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the “General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR”) the Polish Insurance Chamber informs that

7.1 Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń with its registered address of ul. Twarda 18, 00-105 Warszawa, Poland, is the controller of the personal data of the Congress participants (the “Personal Data”) provided in registration entries. The controller’s contact address is ul. Twarda 18, 00-105 Warszawa, e-mail:

7.2 Personal data is processed for the purposes of accepting registration entries, implementing Congress participation agreements and enabling data subjects to participate in the Congress;

7.3 Personal data will be processed on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR for the purpose of processing a registration entry, concluding and performing the contract or taking action at the request of the data subject prior to concluding the contract; Article 6(1)(c) GDPR for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations related to payment settlement and financial reporting; Article 6(1)(f) GDPR on the basis of the legitimate legal interest of the controller - contacting participants, asserting claims;

7.4 Personal data will not be used for automated decision-making in individual cases, including profiling;

7.5 In connection with the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated in subparagraph (2) above, the Organiser has signed a separate agreement to entrust the processing of Participants' personal data to third parties for the purpose of processing them for the purposes of registration and accounts of participation in the Congress;

7.6 Personal data of guests participating in the Congress and using the services of the Sheraton Hotel in Sopot may be transferred to a third country or an international organisation in accordance with the Sheraton Hotel Privacy Policy, which is available at;

7.7 Personal data will be processed for 6 years for financial and tax reporting purposes or for the period of the statute of limitations for claims; 

7.8 Congress participants have the right to request access to their data, rectification of their data, as well as the right to data portability and restriction of the processing. To exercise these rights, please contact PIU at the following correspondence address: ul. Twarda 18, 00-105 Warszawa, or via e-mail to

7.9 The provision of data is a necessary condition for the acceptance of the registration entry, the conclusion of the agreement and participation in the Congress. Failure to provide personal data prevents the acceptance of the registration entry, conclusion of the contract and participation in the Congress;

7.10 Congress participants have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office located at ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa, Poland.

§8. Final provisions

8.1. In the event that the Congress does not take place due to reasons solely attributable to the Organiser, the Organiser will immediately refund the amounts paid by the Participants to the bank accounts which they indicated.

8.2. Participants are obliged to strictly comply with the sanitary and infection-control rules established by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS) and other relevant services. Persons not complying with the legally required restrictions will be immediately removed from the venue.

8.3. Submission of a Congress registration entry available on the website constitutes the acceptance of these Rules and Regulations, as well as an undertaking to abide by the house rules and any other arrangements made between the Participant and the Organiser.

8.4. The provisions of the Civil Code apply to any matters not covered by these Rules and Regulations.

8.5. The Organiser is not responsible for Participants’ belongings that may be lost, destroyed or stolen during the Congress.

8.6. Participants take full financial responsibility for any damage they may cause, both at a venue where any Congress-related activities take place and at their accommodation.

8.7. The Organiser reserves the right to make changes to the Rules and Regulations. If the Participant does not accept changes to these Rules and Regulations, the Participant should notify the Organiser by email at within 5 days of the effective date of the amended Rules and Regulations. In the absence of such notification, it is assumed that the Participant has accepted the amended Rules and Regulations.